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Action Plan Goals


The four goals in this plan use data to prioritize the City’s resources how and where they will be most effective. The first goal sets targets by location, while the remaining three implement policies, partnerships, and technologies with benefits citywide.

Action Plan Goals

While severe traffic crashes are a persistent problem across the city, crash data show certain communities are more seriously impacted than others. Communities and corridors with disproportionately high rates of severe crashes have ben identified as High Crash Areas and High Crash Corridors to prioritize investments for the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time.

These High Crash Areas and Corridors will be the focus of investment through 2020, in addition to the citywide efforts described throughout this plan.


Reduce severe crashes in High Crash Areas and High Crash Corridors by 40%.Reduce traffic crash fatalities for people living in high economic hardship communities by 25%.

A traffic crash is not simply and “accident,” but the result of preventable behaviors and conditions that led to the crash. Identifying and changing behaviors and conditions is key to preventing severe crashes from occurring.


Decrease speed-related fatal and serious injury crashes by 25%.Increase awareness of dangerous driving behaviors by 33%, as measured through survey data.Have 100,000 Chicago residents sign the Vision Zero Pledge.


There is safety in numbers. When more people are walking and biking, the risk of severe crashes decreases. Fostering safety in numbers is achieved in two ways: redesigning streets so they are comfortable and safe for all users, and developing encouragement programs that promote walking, biking,and taking public transit.



Increase the percentage of adults who walk, bike, or take public transit to work by 10%, with the long-term City goal of 50% non-auto commuters by 2030.Implement proven safety countermeasures to improve pedestrian infrastructure at 300 intersections.

those who drive vehicles professionally have a special responsibility to prioritize safety on the roadway. Improved driver training and vehicle safety features can help to prevent crashes or reduce the severity of injuries if they occur.



Eliminate severe crashes involving City fleets, public transit vehicles, and public chauffeurs.Ensure that training for drivers of City-owned vehicles (City fleet drivers), public transit operators, and City-regulated drivers include Vision Zero curriculum components.

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